Trust Nouvelle ost par thom yorke

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Thom vient de poster l'affiche du film sur compte X. Quel homme prolifique !

hunting android:
Message que j'ai posté ce matin, ça tend à confirmer ma théorie

--- Citation de: VICKING le mer. 24 janvier 2024, 10:51:48 ---Non plus. Je n'ai écouté que celle qui ne sera pas sur l'album mais qui est sur la cassette. :glob:

--- Fin de citation ---

Elle n’est pas sur la cassette non plus.
Perso, je pense que c’est plus un extrait de la bo enregistrée par Thom avec le LCO au sujet de laquelle on a pas encore d’info.

hunting android:
Le film sort en avril.

En 3 mois on aura donc eu un album et une BO de Thom, on est gâté!

hunting android:
Luchetti tells Variety, “It’s the story of a man who, for his entire life, finds himself trapped between a fear of love and a love of fear.” He tapped Yorke for the project after they worked together on a documentary about Italian ballet icon Carla Fracci: The Radiohead frontman gave him some tracks he’d done with his former band Atoms for Peace.

“We had done this weird pairing of classical music with these tracks. At the end of this work I asked Thom if he wanted to write the score for a film,” Luchetti recalls. Yorke said he didn’t have a lot of time, but he agreed to send Luchetti some pieces of music after he read the screenplay.

The two then worked together on the project, using the dailies from Trust to inspire them. “We were constantly searching for something that sounded a bit off,” Luchetti explains.

The score is described as a combination of classical orchestra, jazz orchestra and a “substantial electronic component.


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